Teacher Feature: Alexandra Gordon October 2017

The Essentials...
Name: Alexandra Gordon
Prefers to be called: Alex
Originally From: Here! Born at Cedar-Sinai hospital in Los Angeles,
right around the corner from the studio. Destiny!
Birth Day: June 29th
Education: Studied fashion design at FIDM in Los Angeles
Previous Career: Worked in fashion for 13 years
The Pilates Life...
Pilates Training: Trained and certified at JK Zen Fitness by Juliet Kaska herself! It was an intense 6+ month program that was filled with education, bonding relationships and an ever-growing love for all things Pilates.
Your Pilates Love Story...
Previous to my Pilates teaching career I worked in retail for 13 years. Between the long hours and the uncomfortable, yet fashionable work shoes, my body was destroyed! My posture was horrible, my lower back and knees were in constant pain, and I was only in my 20's. Then I discovered Pilates, which helped transform my posture and alleviate the pain, which had become chronic. After nearly 7 years of coming to Zen 4-6 days a week, I decided to transition from the retail world to the Pilates world full time! Becoming an instructor has been the best and most rewarding experience for me. I continue to learn every time I teach, and have such joy doing so. Teaching gives me so much. I actually LOVE what I do now, and get to do it every single day! My body feels amazing. I love Pilates!
(P.S., I still wear my amazing heels, just not at the studio!)
Your favorite Pilates move or sequencing...
My absolute favorite Pilates move is planking (Long Spine Stretch) on the reformer. With or without the box, isometric and isotonic contractions; all variations are so challenging and rewarding. When done properly it utilizes every muscle in the body, allowing for great body awareness and increased overall strength! I love that feeling when my entire body is working together like a symphony!
Your trouble spot...
Unfortunately, I have a weak lower back, which has created some tightness in my hamstrings. Or as Juliet pointed out, maybe the tight hamstrings make my lower back feel weak! Chicken or the egg? Either way, I am constantly working on strengthening and stretching in order to increase my mobility. I am also very aware of my posture, and my tendency to slouch forward, so I put a good deal of attention on strengthening my upper back extensors and the muscle of my posterior shoulder girdle. The second I forget to focus there, I can see a difference within days. No Bueno!
Your ideal client...
My ideal client is one who listens and is good at following instruction. They are body conscious and while in class are looking to the instructor, but also taking example from other students. The client that wants to learn and feel better about their body is ideal because they are happy to better themselves and love the results that Pilates proves to provide. It is the greatest joy, and so rewarding to see change from the first session to the fifth and so on.
My goal when teaching...
To improve form and create a love for the exercise. I am always adjusting and prompting students to be in the correct position and to learn new things about themselves and the art of Pilates every time they are in my class. I strive for a full body workout every class, and enjoy working with each and every one of you!!!
You can take class with Alexandra (Alex) on:
Tuesday/Thursday: 7:15-8:10PM Reformer Level 1 & 2
Wednesday: 6:15-7:00AM R.I.45 Level 2
Wednesday: 7:00-7:55AM Reformer Level 1
Saturday: 11:15-12:10PM Reformer Level 1
Saturday: 12:15-1:10PM Reformer Level 1 & 2
Alex has availability for private clients:*
Tuesday/Thursday: 5:00 & 6:00pm
Wednesday: 8:00 & 9:00am
Friday: 9:00 or 10:00am
Saturday: 1:30pm
*Check with the front desk if there is another day/time you would like to book with Alex