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Monica Schuller, Featured Teacher March 2018

The Essentials

Name: Monica Schuller

Prefers to be called: Monica

Born & Raised: I’m first born American in my family. I’m Greek and Dutch. I was born in Bridgeport, CT. By the time I was 5, we had moved to Newport Beach, CA where I grew up.

Birth Date: June 13

Education: UCSB and FIDM

The Pilates Life

Pilates Training:

I did my Pilates mat training thru Power Pilates. My apparatus training thru YogaWorks. I continue to study, practice and do workshops with master teachers from all around. I attended my first PMA conference (Pilates Method Alliance) this past year.

Your Pilates Love Story:

Honestly, I fell in love with Pilates by accident. I was in a fatal car accident that left me in a lot of pain and limited mobility. Physical therapy was just the start, once Pilates was added, it changed everything. I was able to move without being in pain. During a mat class one day, my instructor was not feeling well and she asked me to demonstrate for the class. I was so nervous. I did this for almost a year. She said that I would make a good instructor and encouraged me to get my certification. I taught mat for a few years and really enjoyed it and I wanted more. I decided to get my apparatus training as well. I fell even more in love with Pilates. Before Pilates, I was in the fashion business as a sales rep. I also owned my own jewelry line, Roc Kandy where I designed, manufactured and sold the jewelry.

Your favorite Pilates move or sequencing:

I have a love hate relationship with the Hundred. I include it in every class I teach. I can tell a lot about a student/client by how they do their hundred. Are they in control? Are their abdominals engaged? It gets their heart rate up and energizes them for their session!

Your trouble spot:

Like many of us, I always struggle with keeping the work out of my neck and shoulders. So, I know if it goes there, I need to take a break and reset my focus.

Your ideal client:

My ideal client is always listening and really focused on doing the exercises precisely and with control. Funny, those are 2 of the 6 Principles of Pilates. The same goes for a class. Being fully present at a class makes the ideal student.

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