Eeda Charbonneau Featured Teacher August 2018
The Essentials: Name: Eeda Charbonneau Place of Birth: Riga, Latvia Raised: Arrived in the United States at 14 years old Birthdate: ...

Anne Nebenzahl Featured Teacher July 2018
The Essentials Name: Anne Nebenzahl Place of birth: Montreal, Canada Raised: Rochester, New York Birth Date: August 22 Education: BS...

Renee Engmyr Featured Teacher June 2018
The Essentials Name: Renee Engmyr (Pronounced Ing-meyer) Place of birth: Danville, CA Birth Date: April 18th Education: UC Irvine - Dance...

Sara Lindsey Featured Teacher April 2018
The Essentials Name: Sara Lindsey Place of birth: Georgetown, Washington D.C. Raised: Ellicott City, Maryland Birth Date: August 15th...

Monica Schuller, Featured Teacher March 2018
The Essentials Name: Monica Schuller Prefers to be called: Monica Born & Raised: I’m first born American in my family. I’m Greek and...

Juliet Kaska- Featured Teacher February 2018
Our monthly Featured Teacher segment, details each Pilates instructors background in Pilates and their life outside of JK Zen Fitness. Enjoy

Laura Konz-Featured Teacher January
The Essentials Name: Laura Blaise Konz Birth Place: Plainfield, New Jersey Raised: Allentown, Pennsylvania Birth Date: ...

Chris Ann Reuter-Featured Teacher December
The Essentials Name: Chris Ann Reuter Prefers to be called: Chris Place of birth: San Bernardino, Lived in SoCal her entire life Birth...

Ava Comissiong- Featured Teacher November 2017
The Essentials Name: Ava Comissiong Prefers not to be called: Eva Place of birth: Born in Barbados, but family is from Grenada Raised:...

Teacher Feature: Alexandra Gordon October 2017
The Essentials... Name: Alexandra Gordon Prefers to be called: Alex Originally From: Here! Born at Cedar-Sinai hospital in Los Angeles,...